
commencement webpage

Guest Information - May 2025 Commencement Ceremony

   (Please note this information is subject to change.)


“Members of the graduating class, demands will be made upon you which were not made upon us. Your training, if you are true to it, will amply qualify you to meet those demands. No wiser blessing could I wish for you than that you may be true to every God-appointed work.”

-The Benson Charge: Catherine Brewer Benson, Wesleyan College’s first graduate, Class of 1840


Commencement Weekend Schedule of Events

Friday, May 9, 2025

Baccalaureate Ceremony

7 PM | Mulberry Street United Methodist Church | 719 Mulberry St, Macon, GA 31201

**Graduates Only to gather at Wesleyan College Historic Marker at 6:15 p.m. at the corner of College Street and Georgia Avenue**

**Reception to follow ceremony at Wesleyan College Leadership Lab, 522 Cherry Street**


SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025

Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

10 AM | Porter Auditorium | 4760 Forsyth Rd, Macon, GA 31210

**Lemonade on the lawn to follow ceremony**


Graduate Commencement Ceremony

2 PM | Pierce Chapel | 4760 Forsyth Rd, Macon, GA 31210

**Reception to follow ceremony**

General Information

Wesleyan College has a long history of welcoming visitors to campus to celebrate our graduates. We strive to provide first-class experience and ask that all guests adhere to the following policies:

  • Each guest must have a ticket in order to be admitted to the general admissions seating for the commencement ceremony. Guests without tickets should go directly to Pierce Chapel for overflow seatings.
    **Undergraduate Ceremony Only**
  • Food and open drink containers are not allowed.
  • Personal belongings are not the responsibility of Wesleyan. Please contact campus security (478)960-7969 for lost items.
  • Please direct any special needs requests – inc. seating accommodations to
  • Please do not bring child carriers, strollers, large packages, balloons, or wear large hats. They may obstruct the view of other guests.
  • Pets (except service animals) are prohibited.
  • Wesleyan College is a firearms-free campus. Thank you in advance for adhering to this policy.
  • Photographs will be taken by Wesleyan's photographer and/or a contracted professional photographer, and will be available for FREE download after Commencement.
Baccalaureate Ceremony FAQ

What is the Baccalaureate Ceremony?

The Baccalaureate Ceremony is a Wesleyan tradition of celebration, prayer and song held to honor the graduating class. Graduating seniors and faculty gather at the original Wesleyan College location in downtown Macon, and then process to Mulberry Street United Methodist Church for the second portion of the ceremony.

Where do we meet?

Graduating seniors and faculty will gather at 6:15 p.m. at the site of the original Wesleyan College campus (intersection of College Street & Georgia Ave) for a small gathering, which begins at 6:30 pm. Graduating seniors and faculty then process to Mulberry United Methodist Church for the Baccalaureate Ceremony.

Where should I park?

You may park at the Mulberry United Methodist Church at 719 Mulberry Street. Graduates can ride in the Wesleyan shuttle to the top of the hill for the first part of the ceremony.

What if I can’t find a ride?

Free shuttles from campus to the Baccalaureate Ceremony will be provided. Check your email for more information.

Where should my family and friends go?

Guests should find a seat in the Mulberry United Methodist Church and wait for the procession to arrive. Doors will open at 6 PM.

Do I need tickets?

No – you do not need tickets. However, seating will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis.

What should I wear?

Graduating seniors and faculty are required to wear regalia. Graduates must wear a College-issued black cap, black tassel and black gown. Hoods will not be worn at Baccalaureate. For more information, including ways students may personalize their regalia, please review the Regalia Policy here.

What if it rains?

In the event of inclement weather, students will meet downstairs in the Fellowship Hall of Mulberry United Methodist Church and process upstairs. Please check your Wesleyan email for updates.

Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony FAQ

Where do we meet?

Graduates will meet in the OSP basement hallway outside Trice and the campus post office at 9:20 a.m. BE ON TIME! We will begin processing at 9:50 a.m. SHARP. When you arrive, follow the Junior Marshals’ lead.

What should I do with my stuff?

Leave all personal belongings with a friend or family members, in your dorm room, or secured in your vehicles. You hands need to be free to accept your diploma!

Where should my family and friends go?

Doors open to Porter Auditorium at 9 a.m. for ticket-holders only. Please encourage your guests to arrive on time, and to allow time for parking and walking to Porter. Doors close to Porter Auditorium when the procession starts at 9:50 a.m. At that time, all ticket holders who are not seated will be asked to wait until the procession is complete.

What is a hooder and why do I need to choose one?

A hooder is a person who places an academic hood over your head during Commencement. Each graduate will designate a hooder to bestow this honor. You may choose anyone as your hooder. They are typically a person who has held an essential, supportive role in your educational journey.

Your hooder will sit directly behind you during the Commencement Ceremony. The hood is their ticket into Porter Auditorium. Details on how your hooder can find seating will be communicated directly closer to the date.

What if my family member doesn’t have a ticket?

Guests without tickets should proceed directly to Pierce Chapel for overflow seating. They will be able to view the ceremony on a large screen.

Where do I get tickets?

Tickets will be distributed by the Office of Student Affairs. Please watch your Wesleyan email for details on how to obtain them.

What should I wear?

Graduates must wear a College-issued black cap, black tassel and black gown. For more information, including ways students may personalize their regalia, please review the Regalia Policy here.

What if it rains?

In the event of inclement weather, we will meet downstairs in Porter Auditorium to line up. Please follow the Junior Marshals’ lead. Check your Wesleyan email for more information.

Senior Check-List & Important Dates

February 2025

  • Order Your Regalia from the Campus Store. You will receive an order form via email. Contact with any questions.
  • February 7 -  Request Your Tickets from 5:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7 - Sunday, April 20 at 11:59 p.m. (midnight).

March 2025

  • March 1 - Deadline to notify Registrar - - of official name change on diploma. (Legal documentation is required.)
  • March 1 - Deadline to file application for diploma for students completing degree requirements.
  • March 1 - Deadline to turn in Candlelighting Forms Contact:
  • March 24 - Senior Toast, Trice Room, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • March 28 - Deadline to order regalia through the Campus Store.

April 2025

  • April 23 - Celebrating Student Scholarship Day and Honors & Awards Ceremony


May 2025

  • May 1 - Deadline to advise the College if you or your guests require accessibility accommodations at commencement; please contact
  • May 1 - Deadline to choose a hooder.
  • May 1  Deadline (12:00 p.m., noon) to settle all financial obligations to the College. Please contact with questions.
  • May 3 – Deadline to pick up regalia in the Campus Store during regular store hours.
  • May 7 – Pinning Ceremony for Nursing Graduates, 6:00 p.m., Pierce Chapel
  • May 9 - Last day to pick up Commencement tickets in the Center for Career Development (Willett Library) by 12:00pm.
  • May 9 – Commencement Rehearsal & Class Photo 1:00 p.m., Porter Auditorium. ALL GRADUATES MUST ATTEND. *Bring your cap, gown, hood & tassel.
  • May 10 — Commencement Ceremony
Graduation Photos

Find recent graduation photos on Wesleyan's Flickr account. 

Welcome to WCAA

Stay in touch with the College years beyond today. Founded in 1859, the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association (WCAA) is the world's FIRST alumnae association. 

First College in the World Chartered to grant degrees to women.

Diploma from 1840

Catherine Brewer Benson

In 1840, Catherine Elizabeth Brewer Benson became the first woman to receive her degree from the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women. 

Catherine Elizabeth Brewer Benson 1840 In the 1839 Georgia Female College catalog, twenty young women are listed in the Junior Class. Of this number, eleven graduated on the night of July 16, 1840, and were pioneers in education for women. By virtue of being alphabetically the first in line, Catherine Elizabeth Brewer was the first woman to receive her degree from the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women. READ MORE

Calendar of Events

Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. Most are free and open to the public. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on Wesleyan Market Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.

Event listing

NCAA Division III Athletics

Wesleyan College is home to five NCAA Division III sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and softball. In addition, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Equestrian program.

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